The koolest, ever.
I mean, even ANIME style talking !! @_@ I love it...
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The koolest, ever.
I mean, even ANIME style talking !! @_@ I love it...
serieusly better then resident evil...
but how can you defeat the ending boss, the big guy with wings ? i shot his stomach to hell, but then what ?
i've seen better, but it wasn't THAT bad...:)
here are the codes, but they only work once per whole game experience, so don't use them at the beginning !! :)
oh, the last battle with Mew T is the hardest, so if i where you, take one appart :)
jigly crist- 7 plg, burn, holy
hermander- dick, suck,
bushasaur- coke, army ,bomb
nevermind Kewl_Jono
he's a prick.
this is very helpfull for Ng
Sick....but i loved it anywayz !
it's good
but the graphics :S
if you work on them it'll be Frontpage, i swear
i liked it, althought it wuz very easy but it wuz very good i voted 5
Wtf? o_o
Age 33, Male
Your trashcan.
Joined on 11/1/03